Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Keyboard Shortcuts for Mac Activ Inspire

Here's a nifty table of keyboard shortcuts for Mac computers for those of you who use Activ Inspire for Promethean Boards:
ShortcutWhich Means Press These KeysEffect
Command + Athe command key the A keySelect All (everything on the Inspire screen)
Command + Bthe command key the B keyBrowsers (reveal them or hide them)
Command + Cthe command key the C keyCopy (that which is selected)
Command + Dthe command key the D keyDuplicate (that which is selected; if a page is selected in the page browser, it duplicates the selected flipchart page)
Command + Ethe command key the E keyEraser (invoke the eraser tool)
Command + Fthe command key the F keyFill (invoke the fill tool)
Command + Hthe command key the H keyHide the Application (click the Inspire icon to make it reappear).
Command + Jthe command key the J keyEdit Profile
Command + Mthe command key the M keyMedia (Choose Media To Insert Into Flipchart - such as audio or video)
Command + Nthe command key the N keyNew (create a new flipchart)
Command + Othe command key the O keyOpen (open an existing flipchart)
Command + Pthe command key the P keyPrint Flipchart
Command + Sthe command key the S keySave Flipchart
Command + Tthe command key the T keyText (invoke the text tool)
Command + Uthe command key the U keyCustomize Toolbar (Edit Profile - Commands)
Command + Vthe command key the V keyPaste (whatever was copied, such as with Command + C)
Command + Wthe command key the W keyClose Flipchart
Command + Xthe command key the X keyCut (object has to be selected)
Command + Zthe command key the Z keyUndo what has just been done.
Shift + Command + Athe shift key the command key the A keyDesktop Annotate (click Desktop Annotate on Toolbar, upper left icon, second down, to return to flipchart)
Shift + Command + Cthe shift key the command key the C keyConnectors (invoke the connectors tool)
Source:  http://prometheanboardsbound.pcsstn.com/mac-activinspire-keyboard-shortcuts

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